We offer general wellness examinations, vaccinations, and sick pet visits. Skin, ears, eyes and lameness problems are evaluated and a treatment plan is developed in consultation with you. Expert recommendations for the control of intestinal and skin parasites (like tapeworm, or fleas) which help improve your pet’s quality of life and your peace of mind.
Our facility is able to provide high quality radiographs (x-ray images), a wide range of laboratory services including heartworm testing, Lyme disease testing, and geriatric screening profiles.
Patients can be hospitalized in our facility for treatments or diagnostic procedures, and we offer convenient drop-off and pick up times throughout the week. Rest assured that your pet’s comfort and wellness are important, and we can accommodate special feeding or care instructions to make the stay as comfortable as possible.
The veterinarians perform a variety of surgical procedures on-site in a surgical suite complete with the latest in anesthetic, surgical, and monitoring equipment. Wound repair, spay/castration, lump removal, ear and eyelid surgeries, urinary bladder, gastric and intestinal surgery.
Your dog or cat’s oral health is vitally important to health and comfort, and we offer dental examination and routine cleaning and oral hygiene services.